Cough & Sore Throat Syrup - 100% Natural

Cough & Sore Throat Syrup - 100% Natural
100% Natural, Organic Raw Honey Base
Ingredients: Raw unfiltered honey*, filtered water (for herbal infusion), elderberries*, wild cherry bark**, marshmallow leaf**, rosehips**, mullein**, licorice root**, ginger**, Ceylon cinnamon**
(* denotes Organic, ** denotes Organic Fair Trade)
- 100% Natural! Ingredients listed below. Not safe for babies under 1.
- Our own original recipe, based off of ones that we learned during hundreds of hours of herbalism training at retreats, classes, by master herbalists in Western North Carolina (exp: Appalachian Forest Farming Coalition retreat 2016, Southeastern Wise Women's Conference 2019, Organic Growers School 2015-2019). We use only the best ingredients, and know the techniques to properly create the most beneficial herbal remedies (exp: you should add the wild cherry bark after the rest of the infusion cools, otherwise it loses a lot of it's properties and becomes very astringent).
- Wild cherry bark is known to be analgesic, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, anticonstrictive (in the bronchial tubes), antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, fungicide, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugars, relaxing the muscles, “sedating” the uterus. The bark is also about 1/2% hydrogen cyanide, just enough to stop coughing and to relax the bronchial tubes without having any other physiological effects (Chemical Properties: Acetylcholine, HCN, kaempferol, p-coumaric acid, prunasin, quercetin, scopoletin, tannins. Starch, resin, tannin, gallic acid, fatty matter, lignin, red colouring matter, salts of calcium, potassium, and iron, also a volatile oil associated with hydrocyanic acid by distillation of water from the bark)
- Marshmallow Leaf is a mucilage and is known to have a soothing effect on the esophagus by coating it, and is regularly used in respiratory remedies (see our Breathe+ Herbal Tea)
- Mullein is known to be excellent for respiratory health, such as asthma and COPD.
- Rosehips are known to have MANY benefits: antioxidant, heart health, weight management, inflammation, anti-aging, osteoarthritis, and in skincare!
- Licorice Root is known to be antibacterial and antiviral, boost the immune system, help reduce heartburn / indigestion / ulcers / food poisoning, and much more.
- Ginger is of course known to: boost immune system, aide in digestion, relieve pain, be full of antioxidants, improve blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, and improve liver function.
- and last but not least...ELDERBERRIES, which are known to be extremely high in anthocyanin, which are polyphenols that are high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They boost the immune system, help prevent cold/flu and help reduce length of illness.